Fees and Tuition Adjustments

See our current Tuition and other fees at catalog.rpi.edu.

2025-2026 Tuition Charges & Fees (includes Summer '25, Fall '25, Spring '26)

$32,200.00 per semester for all full time students with up to 23 credits (includes Summer 2025 Arch)
$1,340.00 per credit hour for any credits over 23
$2,680.00 per credit hour for all part time students (including non-matriculated students)

  • Health Center Fee: $406.00 per semester
  • UG Activity Fee:  $410.00 per semester
  • Health Insurance:  $1015.00 per semester   (must be waived by deadline - refer to Health Center page)

*Please Note*: 

  • Tuition and fees described above apply to in-person, hybrid, and/or remote instruction. No refunds or credits will be provided should there be a change in course format (ie. full remote instruction) due to pandemic or any other reason.
  • During the summer semester, students will be billed per credit hour as part time students unless they are participating in the Arch summer semester (UG) or in a program that requires a full-time summer semester.

$32,200.00 per semester for all full time students with up to 16 credits
$2,680.00 per credit hour for full time students with over 16 credits (including non-matriculated students) and part-time PhD students.
$2,150.00 per credit hour for students enrolled in Rensselaer At Work programs or approved part-time Master's programs

Please contact the The Office of Graduate Education for further details on tuition pricing policies for graduate students.

  • Health Center Fee:    $406.00 per semester
  • Grad Activity Fee:      $304.00 per semester
  • Dental Insurance:      $95.00 per semester (must be waived by deadline - refer to Health Center page)
  • Health Insurance:      $1015.00 per semester (must be waived by deadline - refer to Health Center page)

*Please Note*: 

  • Tuition and fees apply to in-person, hybrid, and/or remote instruction.  No refunds or credits will be provided should there be a change in course format (ie. full remote instruction) due to pandemic or any other reason.
  • During the summer semester, students will be billed per credit hour as part time students unless they are participating in the Arch summer semester (UG) or in a program that requires a full-time summer semester.

Charges are determined by the latest information available from Student Living and Learning and from Auxiliary Services. If you have questions regarding your housing assignment or charges, or your meal plan or charges, please contact Residence Life at (518) 276-6284.

Tuition Adjustments

All payments received, including financial aid payments, will be applied to your account.

  • In the event of an overpayment on your student account, a refund will be processed within 14 days.  We request that you do not make payment in excess of the balance due after guaranteed aid is considered, whether or not it has paid to your student account.  Refunds will be sent to your local address, if being sent by check, unless you specifically request that it be sent to a different address. You may make requests by calling or coming to the Bursar's Office.  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute reserves the right to determine the appropriate refund method based on the payment method used.
  • Parent PLUS loan users: the check will be sent to the parent borrower unless otherwise requested, in writing, by the parent.
  • Payment plan: you may reduce your contract by the deadline dates shown in the Monthly Installment Plan section above or receive a refund at the end of the term.
  • Direct Deposit: If you would like to have your excess funds direct deposited in to your bank account, please complete our Direct Deposit Form.

Students who officially withdraw from the Institute or reduce the number of credits for which they are registered may be entitled to an adjustment of charges or a refund of amounts overpaid.

  • Any adjustment will be based on the official drop/withdrawal date.
  • Official written notification of withdrawal must be submitted to the Student Experience Office or to the Office of Graduate Education as applicable.

Tuition adjustments are made according to this schedule EFFECTIVE Fall 2024:

Official drop date

Credit adjustment

Within 1st two weeks


Third week only


Fourth week only


Fifth week only


After fifth week


*Graduate students registered for only one credit should contact their Graduate Program Director for information.*

Activity and health fees are nonrefundable except where withdrawal is made prior to the first day of the semester.

Any balance not paid or covered by financial aid by the due date noted on any bill will be subject to a late payment fee of $250.

In addition, students will have a "hold" placed on their records where they will be unable to receive grades, register for classes, or receive diplomas. See Retrieving Records for more information. 

If any amount is still outstanding at the end of the term, Rensselaer will require you to take a leave of absence. Re-admittance will be contingent upon payment of money owed plus full payment in advance for the next term.

Should you fail to pay amounts due, the Institute may increase the amounts due by any attorney and collection agency fees, or any other costs or charges incurred in the collection of any amount not paid when due.

If you have been assessed a late fee please read the following:

  1. Late fee appeals may only be done through email to bursar@rpi.edu.
  2. Appeals are only approved in rare instances involving extreme and unusual circumstances. Examples are medical emergencies or severe personal hardships such as a loss of job or family member. These circumstances must be supplemented and justified in writing with supporting documentation. You may only appeal your late fee if you fall into these categories.
  3. Not receiving a bill is not acceptable justification enough to warrant an appeal.
  4. Once you file an appeal, it is reviewed by an Appeals Committee.
  5. The decision of the Committee is final.
  6. If your appeal is ultimately denied, you may not file another appeal. Please make sure you are completely thorough in your initial request.

We’re pleased to announce we’ve partnered with GradGuard™ to offer the Tuition Protection Plan from Allianz Global Assistance. We believe it’s important our students and families have access to affordable protection for their major investment in higher education. Protect your education—and future—today at www.gradguard.com/tuition/rpi

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